This is a deprecated function. Use terrain
slopeAspect(dem, filename='', out=c('slope', 'aspect'), unit='radians',
neighbors=8, flatAspect, ...)
RasterLayer object with elevation values in map units, or in meters when the crs is longitude/latitude
Character. Filename. optional
Character vector containing one or more of these options: 'slope', 'aspect'
Character. 'degrees' or 'radians'
Integer. Indicating how many neighboring cells to use to compute slope for any cell. Either 8 (queen case) or 4 (rook case), see Details
Numeric or NA. What value to use for aspect when slope is zero (and hence the aspect is undefined)? The default value is 90 degrees (or 0.5*pi radians)
Standard additional arguments for writing RasterLayer files